Quo Vadis
Phase 1 - " GENESIS " 2022.08.16
Creating a concept.
Named the team.
Creation of partnership agreements.
Signed a contract with Adrians Capital, the developer of the project.
Phase 2 - " The foundations of an Empire " 2022.09.27
Website Developed.
NFT developed.
WP/RoadMap/PD Imperial Clans NFT.
WP/RoadMap/PD Imperial.
• Phase 3 - " Let's speed up" 2022.10.25
Community built.
Telegram community formed.
Discord community formed.
Assembly of the Imperialist Army.
Pre-release marketing created.
DevelopedImperial platform.
Developed smart contracts.
Create a dashboard.
• Phase 4 - "We're coming out of the shadows" 2023.01.01
Contract audits.
KYC team.
AMA campaign.
Web Dashboard released.
Imperial Denar pre-sale.
CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap.
3690 NFT Mint & Reveal.
NFT rewards activated.
Presentation of the imperial 1.0 platform.
Phase 5 - "To the Moon" 2023.03.25
Imperial desktop/application updates.
Presentation of the Imperial 2.0 platform.
Launching the NFT function on the Imperial platform.
Imperial NFT Marketplace.
Imperial Denar market launch.
Phase 6 - " Putting down roots " 2023.05.22
Mobile App Updates/Marketplace Add-ons .
Launch of the Imperial 3.0 platform for public use.
Development of the Metaverse application.
Launch of the Imperial Denar market.
Last updated